This is looking at the maximum damage they should apply and then evaluating what they actually put down range after accuracy.
The remaining stats being there for comparisons for some of the balance mechanisms applied.
Admittedly it would be more sensible to include more sampling to the data to have a much better confidence here, but I would encourage others to compare the relative effectiveness of their own weapons as applied.

What I find here is that whilst lasers are a more accurate weapon they don't actually then apply the most effective damage "per hit" as a result. My conclusion here is this is to do with the beam effects and ticks for lasers creating an effective reduction in damage transfer. And in the case of beams presumably with less pin point accuracy issues due to beams spreading over a Mech.
What we can also see is that Ballistics are high DPS but less accurate. And I kind of like the idea of these weapons having different styles. Ballistics being "hammers" and lasers being "scalpels".

Looking at overall effective "applied" damage from shots fired we can see that the beam lasers typically under performs with damage transfer in comparison to ballistic by at least 10%. Which in itself suggests an imbalance as we are comparing actual relative applied damage.
However I wouldn't want to suggest that any "under performing" weapons receive a damage boost as a result. It may be more preferable to allow more damage to be transferred over time in order for this lack of applied damage to occur more often.
As a proposal (that I have made before) I'd suggest lowering ML heat to 3.5 or even maybe 3 and perhaps increasing the short beam and pulse effective ranges slightly. In theory this would allow these weapons to at least be fired more often, which when you compare beam times and cool downs between the ML and AC20 they are the same but having an effective applied DPS disparity of 15%+. Alternatively reducing the beam spread times with whatever tick damage effects are applied to counter the effect may be the more direct way to do this, assuming that the overall cool down times don't end up destabalising current builds for some Mechs due to the effective HPS increase as a result.
This would favorably apply benefits to the short game where if the above effects as described are more representative could indicate why the longer Direct fire support Meta is most dominant with the use of ballistics and energy ballistics like the PPCs.
It would also help to bridge a gap with lighter Mechs (lights and mediums) who more typically can't fit any reasonable number of ballistic or energy ballistic weapons as their heavier counterparts. Though people try to do so given the current Meta.
Though please remember this change would also apply to any Mech platform that can fit these shorter range energy weapons.
It is also fair to say that some of the proposals with "cone fire" or "burst fire" may help to reduce the applied damage by ballistic weapons and assuming lasers were unchanged could apply a similar mechanism to bring ballistic type weapons down in effectiveness, but these appear on the forums to be unpopular changes as suggested.
So the idea of improving other elements of the game more in line with other weaponry but to actually improve on the differing styles of play the above suggestion to improve the shorter range energy weapons may help the short game but not actually nerfing the current meta. It is also a minimal change of current mechanics as opposed to generating new ones that require development time, testing and an extra sub-system to balance by PGI. This would keep the current characteristics of the ballistic weaponry but allow the use of shorter energy weapons to be sustained slightly better over time.
I realise this is a complicated scenario with lots of balancing mechanics with builds that may effect these details (heat, tonnage, ammo, slots, hard points etc) but I'm simply evaluating from the statistics what the effective applied damage is for these weapons based on the "shooting" mechanics as given.
As is however trying to argue on the forums that a 4 point ML is the same as an AC20 is not true given that from the figures above the effective DPS of ML is 2.08 and AC20 is 2.93 or the AC20 is 150% more effective an arrangement and presumably delivering a pin-point application to where it hits. This more relevant when you consider torso twisting, JJing and other movement possible to mitigate the pinpoint effects of lasers other than aiming.